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Compute pairwise Intersection over Union (IoU) values between two sets of ROIs, or between a set of ROIs and an arbitrary shape. For more information, check this article.


  • roi_1: Reference to bounding box or polygon within the transaction
  • [optional] roi_2 Reference to bounding box or polygon within the transaction
  • [optional] rectangle: The coordinates of a bounding box RoI
  • [optional] polygons: The vertices of a polygon RoI


Exactly one of roi_2, rectangle, or polygons must be specified.


Within in a specific image, find bounding boxes labeled "skateboard" and polygons labeled "dog", and then return the IoU matrix between those sets of regions. Nonzero IoU values indicate pairs that overlap:

[ {
"FindImage": {
"_ref": 1,
"blobs": false,
"constraints": {
"id": ["==", 1234]
}, {
"FindBoundingBox": {
"_ref": 2,
"image_ref": 1,
"with_label" : "skateboard",
"uniqueids": True
}, {
"FindPolygon": {
"_ref": 3,
"image_ref": 1,
"with_label" : "dog",
"uniqueids": True
}, {
"RegionIoU": {
"roi_1": 2
"roi_2": 3

# Response:

[ {
"FindImage": {
"status": 0,
}, {
"FindPolygon": {
"entities": [{"_uniqueid": 11}, {"_uniqueid": 12}],
"returned": 2,
"status": 0,
}, {
"FindPolygon": {
"entities": [{"_uniqueid": 21}, {"_uniqueid": 22}, {"_uniqueid": 23}],
"returned": 3,
"status": 0,
}, {
"RegionIoU": {
"status": 0,
"IoU": [
[0.0, 0.1875, 0.0],
[0.2012, 0.0, 0.0]

# skateboard w/ uid 11 intersects dog w/ uid 22
# skateboard w/ uid 12 intersects dog w/ uid 21
# dog w/ uid 23 is not riding a skateboard

Find a Polygon with "id" property equal to 2342 and compute the Intersection Over Union (IoU) with a custom polygon:

[ {
"FindPolygon": {
"_ref": 1,
"constraints" : {
"id" : ["==", 2342],
}, {
"RegionIoU": {
"roi_1": 1,
"polygons": [
[387.99, 176.5],
[398.34, 164.68],
[405.73, 156.55],
[412.38, 141.77],

# Response:

[ {
"FindPolygon": {
"status": 0,
}, {
"RegionIoU": {
"status": 0,
"IoU": [[0.985432]],