📄️ batch
The batching API allows users to specify a query that can be used by
📄️ blobs
blobs specifies whether you want to retrieve the blobs associated
📄️ class
The class represents an abstraction specific for an application, and
📄️ codec
The codec parameter can be used to re-encode a video.
📄️ connect
connect can be used to create a connection between objects (when
📄️ constraints
constraints are used to specified search/filter criteria over
📄️ container
The container parameter can be used to change the container of a video.
📄️ format
The format parameter can be used to re-encode an image in a format
📄️ group_by_source
When is_connected_to parameter is specified in a Find\* command the
📄️ _key
Typical credentials for cloud services.
📄️ label
The label parameter is string used to specify the label for either a BoundingBox
📄️ limit
limit specifies the maximum number of elements that will be
📄️ if_not_found
When using if_not_found, an Add* command
📄️ in_rectangle
The in_rectangle parameter is used to specify the constraints on the
📄️ is_connected_to
is_connected_to specifies one or more connection-based constraints
📄️ metric
A metric parameter describes a specific metric or collection of metrics within a family.
📄️ Offset
offset specifies the number of results that will be skipped. For
📄️ operations
operations indicates visual operations to be performed on images,
📄️ polygons
The polygons parameter is used to describe the geometry of Polygon
📄️ properties
The properties are key-value pairs associated with objects (Entity,
📄️ rectangle
The rectangle parameter is used to specify the coordinates of a BoundingBox
📄️ _ref and ref
The _ref value is used to specify a reference to the added entity to be
📄️ remove_props
remove_props is a list of property keys that will be removed as part
📄️ results
Defines the information returned in the JSON response as a result of a
📄️ sort
The sort parameter specifies how the results will be sorted on the
📄️ unique
The unique keyword is used in Find\* commands to specify the
📄️ uniqueids
uniqueids specifies whether you want to retrieve the internal unique ids
📄️ url
url is used to specify a valid URL where the given object can be
📄️ Parameters for Positional Media Access
These are the parameters supported in ApertureDB for referincing