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Quick Start

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In this notebook:

  • Setup ApertureDB database server
  • Setup a Google Colab notebook with aperturedb client
  • Then configure it
  • Load a dataset ApertureDB server
  • Run Queries!

1. Set up the Database

ApertureDB is set up as a database (server) and can be accessed from clients anywhere as long as the server is accessible on the network to the client.

Sign up for an Aperture cloud account here (30 days free trial) or see other methods here

2. Set up the Client

a) Launch Colab or Jupyter Server

  • Run any of our notebooks on Google Colab or your own Jupyter server as indicated from Step 2.b) onwards.
  • You can use our pre-configured Jupyter server
  • This jupyter lab launches on port 8888 which will already have the SDK installed.
docker run --interactive --tty aperturedata/aperturedb-notebook

b) Install ApertureDB SDK

%pip install --quiet --upgrade aperturedb

c) Define server configuration

The easiest way to set up a configuration is to paste a JSON configuration string into adb config create. See Configuration for how to get this string and for alternative ways to set up a configuration.

! adb config create notebook --from-json 
Enter JSON string: 

3. Connect ApertureDB Client and Server

As a demonstration that you have connected to the server successfully, let's see a summary of the database schema.
The first time you do this, you may need to grant permission for this notebook to access your secrets.

from aperturedb.Utils import Utils
from aperturedb.CommonLibrary import create_connector

# Create the connector for ApertureDB
connector = create_connector()

# Use the connector to create a Utils object and print the summary
utils = Utils(connector)

4. Ingest Our Example Cookbook Data

Cookbook Dataset is a dataset comprising of Dishes(their photos, descriptions), mapped to the constituent main ingredients.

It is a small Dataset built to show the capabilities of ApertureDB.

! wget
! bash

from aperturedb.cli.ingest import from_csv, TransformerType, IngestType




5. Run Queries!

a) Find images of dishes from Scottish Cuisine

from aperturedb.CommonLibrary import create_connector, execute_query
from aperturedb.NotebookHelpers import display

query = [
"FindImage": {
"blobs": True,
"constraints": {
"cuisine": [
"results": {
"limit": 5,
"all_properties": True
client = create_connector()
result, response, blobs = execute_query(client, query, [])

# Print the response

# Check if the query was successful
if result == 0:

b) Find images and information of dishes with butter and chicken in them

from aperturedb.CommonLibrary import create_connector, execute_query
from aperturedb.NotebookHelpers import display

query = [
"FindEntity": {
"with_class": "Ingredient",
"constraints": {
"name": [
"_ref": 1,
"FindEntity": {
"with_class": "Ingredient",
"constraints": {
"name": [
"_ref": 2
"FindImage": {
"blobs": True,
"is_connected_to": {
"all": [
"ref": 1,
"ref": 2,
"results": {
"limit": 5,
"all_properties": True
client = create_connector()
result, response, blobs = execute_query(client, query, [])

# Print the response

# Check if the query was successful
if result == 0:

c) Find similar looking dishes to a bread

from aperturedb.CommonLibrary import create_connector, execute_query
from aperturedb.NotebookHelpers import display
import clip
import torch

device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
model, preprocess = clip.load("ViT-B/16", device=device)

search_tokens = clip.tokenize([f"a photo of bread"]).to(device)
search_embeddings = model.encode_text(search_tokens)

query = [{
"FindDescriptor": {
"set": "ViT-B/16",
"k_neighbors": 5,
"distances": True,
"blobs": False,
"_ref": 1
}, {
"FindImage": {
"_ref": 2,
"blobs": True,
"is_connected_to": {
"ref": 1
"results": {
"all_properties": True

if device == "cuda":
search_embeddings = search_embeddings.float()
blobs = search_embeddings[0].cpu().detach().numpy().tobytes()
blobs = search_embeddings[0].detach().numpy().tobytes()

client = create_connector()
result, response, blobs = execute_query(client, query, [blobs])

# Print the response

# Check if the query was successful
if result == 0:

What's Next?

  • Think about how to move from your current data tools to ApertureDB - learn more about the unique features and differences
  • Learn to add and work with various objects in your instance using our Cookbook dataset
  • Bulk load various data types