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Image and Video Preprocessing or Augmentation

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With our prior expertise in computer vision based data, we have in-built support for preprocessing or augmenting images, videos, and their regions of interest while storing or accessing them.

# Install the required client packages if needed
%pip install --upgrade --quiet pip
%pip install --upgrade --quiet aperturedb
from aperturedb.CommonLibrary import create_connector

# Create the connector for ApertureDB
client = create_connector()
# Simple query to see how the database is doing
query = [{
"GetStatus": {

# Execute the query to get back a JSON response for GetStatus
response, blobs = client.query(query)

"GetStatus": {
"info": "OK",
"status": 0,
"system": "ApertureDB",
"version": "0.17.23"

Add a reformatted Image of a Dish to ApertureDB

Original image is JPEG but let's say we want to add it as png

# Download both the sample files needed in this example
! mkdir -p data; cd data; wget; cd -
! cd data; wget; cd -
query = [{
"AddImage": {
# Notice the missing "class" property since we already know its an Image (represented as _Image in ApertureDB)
"properties": {
"name": "Focaccia",
"id": 35,
"contributor": "Vishakha",
"category": "starter",
"cuisine": "Italian",
"location": "Brittany",
"caption": "fresh made focaccia with herbs from the garden"
"format": "png",
"if_not_found": { # avoid adding twice
"id": ["==", 35]

# Read the image data as a binary blob
fd = open("data/focaccia_brittany.jpg", 'rb')
image_arr = [ ]

response, blobs = client.query(query, image_arr)

"AddImage": {
"status": 0

Now retrieve a thumbnail of the Food image

from aperturedb import NotebookHelpers as nh   # Our helper package for image displays and other utilities

query = [{
"FindImage": {
"constraints": {
"name": ["==", "Focaccia"],
"location": [">", "A"]
"operations": [{
"type": "resize",
"width": 100,
"height": 100
} ],
"as_format": "jpg",
"blobs": True

response, blobs = client.query(query)

# Instead of using nh.display, which automatically reformats an image
# for display, we use IPython.display to show how its returned from the query.
from IPython.display import display,Image
num_images = response[0]["FindImage"]["returned"]
for count in range(num_images):
image = Image(blobs[count], format="JPEG")


Videos can similarly be pre-processed when adding or searching

query = [{
"AddVideo": {
# Notice the missing "class" property since we already know its a Video (represented as _Video in ApertureDB)
"properties": {
"name": "crepe_flambe",
"id": 45,
"category": "dessert",
"cuisine": "French",
"location": "Brittany",
"caption": "Special Brittany flambe crepe"
"if_not_found": { # avoid adding twice
"id": ["==", 45]

# Read the image data as a binary blob
fd = open("data/crepe_flambe.mp4", 'rb')
array = [ ]

response, blobs = client.query(query, array)

"AddVideo": {
"status": 0

Original video

from aperturedb import NotebookHelpers as nh   # Our helper package for image displays and other utilities

query = [{
"FindVideo": {
"constraints": {
"name": [">=", "crepe"],
"location": [">", "A"]
"blobs": True, # This is set to False by default
"results": {
"all_properties": True

response, blobs = client.query(query)

num_videos = response[0]["FindVideo"]["returned"]
for count in range(num_videos):

Sample and pre-process the cooking video when retrieving

query = [{
"FindVideo": {
"constraints": {
"name": [">=", "crepe"],
"location": [">", "A"]
"blobs": True,
"operations": [{ # Original videos are longer. We just want to sample and prepare them
"type": "resize", # performance depends on the video complexity
"height": 300,
"width": 300
"type": "interval", # Interval Operation, performance depends on the video complexity
"start": 30, # Start from 1 sec (30fps * 1)
"stop": 150, # Continue till 5 secs (30fps * 5)
"step": 5 # Read every 5th frame

response, blobs = client.query(query)

"FindVideo": {
"blobs_start": 0,
"returned": 1,
"status": 0


query = [{
"DeleteVideo": {
"constraints": {
"name": ["==", "crepe_flambe"] # if this matches multiple videos, they will all be deleted
"DeleteImage": {
"constraints": {
"name": ["==", "Focaccia"]

response, blobs = client.query(query)

"DeleteVideo": {
"count": 1,
"status": 0
"DeleteImage": {
"count": 1,
"status": 0

What's next?