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Adds a frame to a referenced video.

Frame is defined as a position in the video. The position can be specified in terms of terms of (i) frame number, (ii) time offset of the frame since the beginning of the video, or (iii) fractional offset of the frame in the video, with zero being the start and one being the end of the video.



One of frame_number, time_offset or time_fraction must be specified.

Parameters time_offset or time_fraction are stored without conversion to frame number. When a retrieval of an frame frame is requested, e.g. via FindFrame command with "blob": true, the time parameter is converted to a frame number by finding the latest frame that existed at the specified time.

Referenced video must be specified by the video_ref.


Find the video with the "name" property equal to "my_video_1", add frame 99 (zero-based), and add a property to the frame with key "scene" and value "main character image":

"FindVideo": {
"_ref": 1,
"unique": true,
"blobs": false,
"constraints": {
"name": ["==", "my_video_1"]
}, {
"AddFrame": {
"video_ref": 1,
"frame_number": 99,
"properties": {
"scene": "main character image"

Successful response:

"FindVideo": {
"status": 0,
"returned": 0
}, {
"AddFrame": {
"status": 0

Find the video with the "name" property equal to "my_video_2", add frame at time 1h 22min 10.000sec since the start of the video, and add a property to the frame with key "scene" and value "main character image":

"FindVideo": {
"_ref": 1,
"unique": true,
"blobs": false,
"constraints": {
"name": ["==", "my_video_2"]
}, {
"AddFrame": {
"video_ref": 1,
"time_offset": "01:22:10.000",
"properties": {
"scene": "main character image"

Successful response:

"FindVideo": {
"status": 0,
"returned": 0
}, {
"AddFrame": {
"status": 0

Find the video with the "name" property equal to "my_video_3", add frame at the middle of the movie, and add a property to the frame with key "scene" and value "mid-movie frame":

"FindVideo": {
"_ref": 1,
"unique": true,
"blobs": false,
"constraints": {
"name": ["==", "my_video_3"]
}, {
"AddFrame": {
"video_ref": 1,
"time_fraction": 0.5,
"properties": {
"scene": "main character image"

"FindVideo": {
"status": 0,
"returned": 0
}, {
"AddFrame": {
"status": 0