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Community (Local) Edition

For prototyping or evaluation purposes, ApertureDB can be set up on-premises using our Docker-based community edition (terms of use).


ApertureDB can be and preferably should be installed as a distributed database for high availability and performance as described in the earlier setup methods.

We have packaged ApertureDB and all the dependencies in a set of docker images that can be pulled from our DockerHub or cloud-specific container registry.


We recommend using a machine with 8 cores, with 32 GB memory, and 200 GB storage for common use cases, e.g. EC2 VM of type m6i.4xlarge or GCP VM of e2-standard-8. However, the Docker itself foregoes some optimizations for vector search in order to support x86-64 and M1+ architectures.

Non-Mac Systems

For testing ApertureDB on non-Mac systems, you can do a quick install without ApertureDB UI, by executing this command:

docker run\
-p 55555:55555\

The default login and password for Community edition is admin:admin, and for the other methods, is chosen by the user at setup time).

This command will pull the Docker image if not already present. To force an update to the latest, you can first run:

docker pull aperturedata/aperturedb-community

before executing the "run" command.


To examine the contents of the database, you may want to map /aperturedb/db and /aperturedb/logs as volumes. See docker compose examples below.

Check out this setup video:

Run ApertureDB along with WebUI using Docker Compose

ApertureDB has an associated Web UI that provides a lightweight web interface. Save the following as docker-compose.yml (or download here, make sure to match the name), and follow the instructions below to start the two services together.


image: aperturedata/aperturedb-community
restart: always
privileged: true
volumes: # Map ApertureDB storage and logs into local directory
- ./aperturedb/db:/aperturedb/db
- ./aperturedb/logs:/aperturedb/logs
ADB_PORT: 55555

image: aperturedata/aperturedb-webui
restart: always
- aperturedb

To start the database and the web frontend together, simply run:

docker compose up --detach

This will launch the dockers in the background. You can remove --detach to launch them in the foreground.

To make sure you get the latest versions of the docker:

docker compose pull

docker compose up --detach

To stop the database server, simply run:

docker compose down

Start Building With ApertureDB

Learn how to connect to the server with the various ApertureDB client alternatives.

You can join our slack channel to connect with the community, ask any questions, and stay in touch with the ApertureData team.