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ParallelQuerySet Objects

class ParallelQuerySet(ParallelQuery)

Parallel and Batch Set Multi-Querier for ApertureDB This class provides the mechanism to run multiple queries over a single csv. Per-query actions are done by ParallelQuery.


  • db Connector - The ApertureDB Connector
  • dry_run bool, optional - If True, no queries are executed. Defaults to False.


def do_batch(db: Connector, data: List[Tuple[Commands, Blobs]]) -> None

This is an override of ParallelQuery.do_batch.

This is the per-worker function which is the entry-point to a unit of work.


  • db Connector - The ApertureDB Connector
  • data List[Tuple[Query, Blobs]] - A list of tuples, each containing a list of commands and a list of blobs