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Working with a Dataset

Loading a dataset.

The quickest way to get started with ApertureDB is to load a simple dataset containing some images and metadata but without a complex schema. Most Kaggle datasets will load into ApertureDB with minimal modifications (for a more complex example, see our celebrity faces loader).

There are multiple ways to load data into ApertureDB, as discussed in Ingest Data And Metadata, but with a pre-existing dataset, the quickest way is to ingest using a CSV file.

For following along with this document, we've produced a subset of the Stanford Cars Dataset to create a small CSV file as a sample of what a CSV file might look like (more examples here). You can use your own dataset if you want, and we will make out things you might need to change.

Tools Needed

To load a dataset, you will need

  • ApertureDB credentials and instance (you can use the docker instance for a simple server)
  • A system with Python 3+ installed
  • ApertureDB Python package ( installed with pip install aperturedb )
  • A dataset to load and query
  • Jupyter notebook or just command-line execution of Python samples


On your system with the aperturedb package installed, first you will need to download your dataset. The sample used in this document is the miniature Standford Cars Dataset. The archive contains images and a csv.


Next, uncompress the dataset:

cd slim-stanford-car-dataset

Create CSV Input

Now we need to make a CSV file that will tell ApertureDB how to load our data.

In this guide we will assume that we are uploading images and associated properties with each image. The columns in the CSV file will be of 3 types

  • filename - points to the image to load - always the first column, called 'filename', 'url', 's3_url' or 'gs_url'.
  • constraint - input to limit which files are uploaded (like a primary key check in relational db).
  • properties - anything else without 'constraint_' as a prefix is basically image metadata

Many datasets will come with a CSV file which has properties, but some many not have any. To make a minimal CSV file in that case you would run something like

echo "filename" > dataset.csv && find -iname \*.jpg >> cars.csv

which would make a CSV file with 1 column containing the names of the files to load.

The Stanford dataset we have provided contains a CSV file called cars.csv. Now that we have a CSV file, we need to ensure it meets our needs.

In a Jupyter cell or, you can add the following and run the cell or try python

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('cars.csv')


    filename        make    model  year   color    style   angle
0 00001.jpg audi a7 2012 white sedan angled
1 00002.jpg acura tl 2014 black sedan angled
2 00003.jpg dodge ram 2009 red truck angled
3 00004.jpg hyundai sonata 2015 red sedan rear
4 00005.jpg ford f-350 2016 white truck angled
5 00006.jpg izuzu tracer 2007 red compact angled
6 00007.jpg dodge journey 2015 blue suv angled
7 00008.jpg dodge charger 2017 red sports rangle
8 00009.jpg mitsubishi galant 2012 silver sedan angle
9 00010.jpg chevrolet equinox 2017 silver suv side

Customize Your CSV

We will modify some columns because sometimes you may not care about data, or possibly some columns are partially empty or otherwise unhelpful. ApertureDB loaders also expect certain columns in the CSV files.

df.drop( ["year","style"], axis=1, inplace=True)

Another common issue is that sometimes the file information might not be relative. In our sample data, this is the case.

old_filename = df['filename']
df['filename'] = [ 'cars/cars_train/cars_train/' + name for name in old_filename ]

This will ensure the filename is relative to the csv file - a requirement for loading in ApertureDB when using the CSV loaders.

Now we'll show creating a new column with existing data. Say you want to make an id column that doesn't have the leading zeros.

from pathlib import Path
df['id'] = [ int( Path(file).name.split(".")[0]) for file in old_filename ]

This can be very useful if some of the data had different file types, such as .png - then your queries can just search for id == 20 and not have to know if it is 00020.jpg or 00020.png.

Finally, we'll add a unique identifier constraint so if you re-run the load it won't try to duplicate the data, then show what this looks like, and output it to a CSV file.

df['constraint_id'] = df['id']


                               filename        make    model   color   angle  id  constraint_id
0 cars/cars_train/cars_train/00001.jpg audi a7 white angled 1 1
1 cars/cars_train/cars_train/00002.jpg acura tl black angled 2 2
2 cars/cars_train/cars_train/00003.jpg dodge ram red angled 3 3
3 cars/cars_train/cars_train/00004.jpg hyundai sonata red rear 4 4
4 cars/cars_train/cars_train/00005.jpg ford f-350 white angled 5 5
5 cars/cars_train/cars_train/00006.jpg izuzu tracer red angled 6 6
6 cars/cars_train/cars_train/00007.jpg dodge journey blue angled 7 7
7 cars/cars_train/cars_train/00008.jpg dodge charger red rangle 8 8
8 cars/cars_train/cars_train/00009.jpg mitsubishi galant silver angle 9 9
9 cars/cars_train/cars_train/00010.jpg chevrolet equinox silver side 10 10

A column that is used as constraint gets indexed automatically. If you are loading with any other method, check if you have created an index. Otherwise the load can be slow. It is, of course, fastest without any constraints.

Load the CSV File

First we'll define a function to do the loading either in a Jupyter cell or in a script.

from aperturedb.Connector import Connector
from aperturedb.ImageDataCSV import ImageDataCSV
from aperturedb.ParallelLoader import ParallelLoader
def load_image_and_metadata(dbconn:Connector, path_to_csv:Path):
image_csv = ImageDataCSV(str(path_to_csv))
loader = ParallelLoader(dbconn)

As you can see, this part is really easy, because all the difficult part has been done!

Now all we need to do is run it. We'll assume you've already configured your connection in the environment.

Load Method 1 :

from aperturedb import Utils
conn = Utils.create_connector()
load_image_and_metadata( conn, Path('modified_cars.csv'))

Load Method 2 : You can also use the adb command line to load the data:

adb ingest from-csv modified_cars.csv --ingest-type IMAGE

Checkout transformers like CLIP embedding generation when loading images with the adb command line.

This is a good time to use the web UI and navigate the cars in your database.

Query Your Data

Now we can check to see if your data loaded correctly. You can copy this and run in a notebook cell or create a file:

from aperturedb import Utils
conn = Utils.create_connector()

"FindImage": {
"results": {
result,blobs = conn.query(count_query)
print(conn.get_last_response_str()) # prints result with JSON formatting


'FindImage': {
'count': 10,
'returned': 0,
'status': 0

Filter Using Metadata

Now, with the existing connection, we will choose only a subset to download / display - the red cars.

"FindImage": {
"blobs": True,
"constraints": {
"color": ["==","red"]
"results": {
"count": True
red_car_result,red_car_blobs = conn.query(count_query)


'FindImage': {
'blobs_start': 0,
'count': 4,
'returned': 4,
'status': 0

Visualize Data

The example below, requires you to run it in a jupyter notebook. A simple visualization of the data as a grid display:

This requires 3 packages inside the notebook: aperturedb, PILLOW and ipyplot (all can be installed using pip).


If you have never installed packages inside a notebook, you can do the following:

!pip install aperturedb Pillow ipyplot

First we define a function to save images to disk after resizing.

from pathlib import Path
from io import BytesIO
import PIL
def save_images(input_blobs, save_path:Path, name_func):
images = []
labels = []
for i,img in enumerate(input_blobs):
with BytesIO(img) as img_bytes:
pil_img = img_bytes)
dim_max = max(pil_img.height, pil_img.width)
scale = dim_max/256.0
w = int( pil_img.width / scale )
h = int( pil_img.height / scale )
pil_img_resized = pil_img.resize( (w,h) )
file_name = "{0}.jpg".format( name_func(i) )
path = save_path.joinpath( file_name )
print(f"dim_max: {dim_max}, scale: {scale}, w: {w}, h: {h}, file_name: {file_name}, path: {path}")
return images,labels

then we display them

from ipyplot import plot_images

def make_car_name(blob_index):
return f"car-{blob_index}"
images,labels = save_images( red_car_blobs, Path("./data"), make_car_name )

Quick glance through the WebUI

You can see your images visually if you use the docker-compose for web-ui in the setup instructions.


Red cars on the ApertureDB UI

Next Steps

Now that you have seen how easy it is to load and retrieve a dataset with images, you can find your own dataset, create or manipulate a CSV file describing them and load all of it into ApertureDB. You can also create your own example application following the steps outlined here.

Let us know if this helped!