Working with Entities in ApertureDB
Entities are a way to represent any application level concept in ApertureDB like a Person, Product, Event, etc
# Connector class offers a way to connect to an instance of ApertureDB
from aperturedb import Connector
db = Connector.Connector("aperturedb.local", user="admin", password="admin")
# Simple query to see how the database is doing
query = [{
"GetStatus": {
# Execute the query to get back a JSON response for GetStatus
response, blobs = db.query(query)
"GetStatus": {
"info": "OK",
"status": 0,
"system": "ApertureDB",
"version": "0.15.11"
One way to introduce new entities in the system is through our query language
For bulk additions, we recommend using the Python SDK loaders
query = [{
"AddEntity": {
"class": "Person", # Every entity belongs to a class, in this case Person
"properties": { # You can define as many key, value properties per entity, as required
"name": "Mary", # The data type for this property for a Person is now set to string.
"lastname": "Teresa"
"if_not_found": { # conditional add
"lastname": ["==", "Teresa"]
response, blobs = db.query(query)
"AddEntity": {
"status": 0
Verify this entity was added to the database and read all its properties
query = [{
"FindEntity": {
"with_class": "Person", # Every entity belongs to a class, in this case Person
"constraints": {
"name": ["==", "Mary"],
"lastname": ["==", "Teresa"]
"results": {
"all_properties": True
response, blobs = db.query(query)
"FindEntity": {
"entities": [
"_uniqueid": "13.0.47894344407220",
"lastname": "Teresa",
"name": "Mary"
"returned": 1,
"status": 0
Use UpdateEntity if any of the attributes need a new value or your application now needs a new attribute in existing entities
query = [{
"UpdateEntity": {
"with_class": "Person",
"properties": {
"known_for": "Nobel Peace Prize",
"name": "Mother"
"constraints": {
"name": ["==", "Mary"],
"lastname": ["==", "Teresa"]
response, blobs = db.query(query)
"UpdateEntity": {
"count": 1,
"status": 0
query = [{
"FindEntity": {
"with_class": "Person",
"constraints": {
"lastname": ["==", "Teresa"]
"results": {
"all_properties": True
response, blobs = db.query(query)
"FindEntity": {
"entities": [
"_uniqueid": "13.0.47894344407220",
"known_for": "Nobel Peace Prize",
"lastname": "Teresa",
"name": "Mother"
"returned": 1,
"status": 0
We can now delete the entity
query = [{
"DeleteEntity": {
"with_class": "Person",
"constraints": {
"lastname": ["==", "Teresa"]
response, blobs = db.query(query)
"DeleteEntity": {
"count": 1,
"status": 0
We can verify that the entity is not longer in the database with another FindEntity
query = [{
"FindEntity": {
"with_class": "Person",
"constraints": {
"lastname": ["==", "Teresa"]
"results": {
"all_properties": True
response, blobs = db.query(query)
"FindEntity": {
"returned": 0,
"status": 0