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Image and Video Preprocessing or Augmentation

from aperturedb import Connector
from aperturedb import NotebookHelpers as nh

# ApertureDB Server Info for establishing connection
db_host = "aperturedb.local" # assuming local installation as provided
user = "admin" # requires authentication
password = "admin" # use the password provided for the instance

db = Connector.Connector(db_host, user=user, password=password)

Simply find an existing image, with a single command

Find commands like FindImage can enable fairly complex searches

query = [{
"FindImage": {
"_ref": 1,
"constraints": {
"id": ["==", 567989]
"results": {
"all_properties": True
"blobs": True

response, blobs = db.query(query)



"FindImage": {
"blobs_start": 0,
"entities": [
"_blob_index": 0,
"_uniqueid": "3.117168.3964",
"aspect_ratio": 0.91875,
"coco_url": "",
"corpus": "train",
"date_captured": {
"_date": "2013-11-18T22:44:59+00:00"
"file_name": "000000567989.jpg",
"flickr_url": "",
"height": 640,
"id": 567989,
"license": 5,
"type": "train",
"width": 588,
"yfcc_id": 4781395665
"returned": 1,
"status": 0

Now lets get the same image resized and rotated on the fly

ApertureDB query language currently supports most commonly used preprocessing operations on images and videos.

query = [{
"FindImage": {
"_ref": 1,
"constraints": {
"id": ["==", 567989]
"operations": [{
"type": "resize",
"width": 300,
"height": 300
"type": "rotate",
"angle": 45,
"resize": False
} ],
"blobs": True

response, blobs = db.query(query)



Videos can similarly be pre-processed when adding or searching

query = [{
"FindVideo": {
"constraints": {
"guid": ["==", "cc1c685b1feb6dc27931ce62d78838a6"]
"blobs": True,
"results": {
"list": ["url", "date_captured"]

response, blobs = db.query(query)

"FindVideo": {
"blobs_start": 0,
"entities": [
"_blob_index": 0,
"date_captured": {
"_date": "2023-06-05T08:05:59.608305+00:00"
"url": ""
"returned": 1,
"status": 0
query = [{
"FindVideo": {
"constraints": {
"guid": ["==", "cc1c685b1feb6dc27931ce62d78838a6"]
"blobs": True,
"operations": [{ # Original videos are longer. We just want to sample and prepare them
"type": "resize", # performance depends on the video complexity
"height": 300,
"width": 300
"type": "interval", # Interval Operation, performance depends on the video complexity
"start": 90, # Start from 3 sec (30fps * 3)
"stop": 600, # Continue for a 10 secs clip
"step": 5 # Read every 5th frame

response, blobs = db.query(query)

"FindVideo": {
"blobs_start": 0,
"returned": 1,
"status": 0